Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roasted Chicken

2nd post! Well 3rd actually.. coz i did have another one over at wordpress.

My relatives came over today for visitation, with the CNY festival ongoing.. I decided that its time for me to hit the kitchen again.

So this time what i decided to cook was actually to roast a chicken.. I consulted my naked chef and off i went.

Parsley, Basil, Majoram were the main stars of the show, rosemary and bay leaves played a minor part.

Main idea was to finely chop up the parsley, basil and majoram, mix it up with olive oil and rub it all over the chicken. Best is if you could get some under the skin as well, really gives the meat the flavour.

Stuff the cavity of the chicken with half a lemon, sprigs of fresh rosemary and bay leaves.

Black Pepper the chicken generously and viola, you're done!

Isn't it easy?!



  1. i can't see the words on the pics. too tiny to read haha

  2. oh ya hor..

    haha, didn't realise that.

  3. WHY YOU KEEP SHIFTING HERE AND THERE! TSK. don't go back to wordpress anymore.
