Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Been wanting to make this for the longest time, but have also been putting it off for the longest time as well.

Monday being my off day, i decided to get my hands cracking.

I took this receipe off from this website, http://www.exclusivelyfood.com.au/ and i can tell you, this is the best ever lasagne that I've ever tasted. The meat sauce is rich in flavour with a slight hint of red wine. Simply put, it was fantastic.

Pictures are up next!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bake Rice..

Was just happily nua-ing the day away when out of a sudden..

B: "You want to make bake rice?"

D: "Hmmm, ok loh"

Not that i'm complaining that i can't nua anymore, but the thought of cooking something excites me.

And off we went to the supermarket.. This is the shortest supermarket trip ever.

Zipped around here and there. Vegetable section to get the mushrooms(i chose white and brown button mushrooms), poultry section to get the chicken Fillet, Canned Section to get the mushroom soup, dairy section to get the cheese (cheddar and mozerella) and off to the payment counter we went, all in less than 30 mins.
Reached home, slice and dice all the ingredients and viola!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roasted Chicken

2nd post! Well 3rd actually.. coz i did have another one over at wordpress.

My relatives came over today for visitation, with the CNY festival ongoing.. I decided that its time for me to hit the kitchen again.

So this time what i decided to cook was actually to roast a chicken.. I consulted my naked chef and off i went.

Parsley, Basil, Majoram were the main stars of the show, rosemary and bay leaves played a minor part.

Main idea was to finely chop up the parsley, basil and majoram, mix it up with olive oil and rub it all over the chicken. Best is if you could get some under the skin as well, really gives the meat the flavour.

Stuff the cavity of the chicken with half a lemon, sprigs of fresh rosemary and bay leaves.

Black Pepper the chicken generously and viola, you're done!

Isn't it easy?!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Chef speaks


A blog to finally keep a record of what i've cooked and what i've done.

Will I ever mantain this blog? I certainly hope so..

Stay tuned!